Essays on E-Commerce

10 essay samples on this topic
  • Essay examples

Online Retail or Online Channel

IntroductionOver the past few years, online retailing has gained prominence and has grown in a very steady manner. There are retailers who have decided that the best way to go about the fast advancing technology and the changes in consumer buying behavior would be to integrate the traditional offline channels that can also be called the brick and mortar retailing with the modern online channels. In the early stages, the two methods of retailing were treated as separate entities with fingers pointing to one another to have its disadvantages aside...
Pages 15 (4036 words)

Sesion Keys: Secure Digital Communication

Surname 1 Name: Professor: Course: Date: Session keys Introduction In this era, the internet connects people from all over the world via their computers. Technology impacted the human environment in a positive manner economically, socially, and in their daily activities. The major hindrance is establishing a safe and efficient communication line which an outside user who is not to be involved in the connection, can try to access information passed. Therefore, internet transactions require information security. There is a need to have a secure digital communication relating to aspects such...
Pages 3 (645 words)

Citizen’s Gas Company (CGC) New Systems

Name Professor Institution Course Date Table of content Contents Executive summary 3 Introduction 3 Challenges facing the firm 4 Criteria to consider in specifying the structure and features of CGC’s new system 4 Citizen Gas Company new system planning and implementation 6 Tables illustrating implementation of the new system in various markets 8 Client Maintenance Form 9 Sales Order Form 12 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 15 Executive summary The main purpose of this report was to investigate the various criteria and means that are taken into consideration for specifying the layout...
Pages 12 (3261 words)

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EBay Strategy: Initial and Current Business Structure

Running head: E-BAY STRATEGY 1 E-BAY STRATEGY 7 E-Bay Strategy Name Institution Course Professor Date 1. Compare eBay’s original business structure with its current structure in terms of business. Companies that have been there for long periods of time have faced many challenges over time and they have gone through a series of transitions. The transitions are triggered by many factors that appear over time especially because of changes in market taste and the rampant changes in technology. As of today change in consumer, taste is not so important a...
Pages 6 (1615 words)

E-Commerce Suites: Choose E-commerce Suite

When building an E-Commerce site you will need to choose an E-Commerce Suite Surname 6 Name Professor Course Date E-commerce suites Businesses often benefit from the growing popularities of online shopping. This platforms use e-commerce and are readily available for ecommerce websites. There are several ecommerce suites that entrepreneurs can use to advance their businesses. The biggest advantage that ecommerce suites offers to businesses is selling online in one place. The idea of creating an ecommerce plat form is to help business operators create online shops regardless of using programming...
Pages 6 (1475 words)

Case Study Review of 4 CASE STUDY REVIEW OF BOO.COM By (Name) Course Professor’s name University name City, State Date of submission Abstract was previously a British online retailer founded in 1999 and dissolved in 2000. In 2007, the website was acquired by Web Reservation International and turned into a travel site (Lindstedt 2001; Malmsten, Portanger & Drazin 2001). This essay: Analyzes the decisions and strategic mistakes that led to the failure of Compares the marketing strategies of the retailer against other online retailers. Analyzes the marketing strategies of, and...
Pages 10 (2497 words)

Document Score: Grammarly Report

Grammarly GrammarlyReport generated on Thu, 29 Sep 2016 14:21 Page 1 of 9 DOCUMENT SCORE 78 of 100 ISSUES FOUND IN THIS TEXT 84 PLAGIARISM 1% Contextual Spelling 11 Misspelled Words 6 Confused Words 4 Mixed Dialects of English 1 Grammar 12 Wrong or Missing Prepositions 6 Determiner Use (a/an/the/this, etc.) 5 Incorrect Verb Forms 1 Punctuation 3 Comma Misuse within Clauses 1 Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences 1 Misuse of Semicolons, Quotation Marks, etc. 1 Sentence Structure 2 Incomplete Sentences 1 Misplaced Words or Phrases 1 Style 36 Passive Voice...
Pages 9 (2427 words)

Website Builders Review BigCommerce

Running head: WEBSITE BUILDERS REVIEW 1 WEBSITE BUILDERS REVIEW 2 Website Builders Review Name Course Tutor Name Date BigCommerce BigCommerce is cloud-based and provides Level 1PCI and SSL certificate security. The whole suite offers SaaS solutions. Other technologies are site-wide HTTPS, JavaScript, Html, Html5, dedicated SSL and IP and SLA. The package also comes with the coding option. However, the drag and drop feature have not been incorporated. Some of the pros of the suite include comprehensive tools such as emails and newsletters, payment integration, unlimited product variation, auto responder,...
Pages 5 (1146 words)

E-Commerce Is the Transmission of Data Over a Network

Running head: E- commerce 1 E-commerce 4 E-commerce Name Professor Institution Course Date Electronic Commerce is the commercial transactions of a concern that involves transfer of data across the net. It encompasses a scope of different businesses where potential purchasers and sellers exchange goods and services with fewer barriers in distance and time. This has of late accelerated the development of various businesses where the boundaries on convectional and electronic commerce have increasingly blurred as more business moves their operations onto the net (Grochal, 2016). For Katie willing to set...
Pages 3 (607 words)

Business Skills for E-commerce

1 Running head: E-COMMERCE 18 E-COMMERCE Business skills for E-commerce Name Professor Institution Course Date Contents Introduction 2 Overview 3 Discussion 4 Assessment of the Organization 4 Structure of the organization and the industry 5 Impact of the E-commerce 8 Discussion 9 Market Analysis 9 Customer Research 10 Markets Research 11 E-Commerce Competitor Analysis 11 Risks and Financial challenge in E-commerce 12 Design for the Proposed e-Commerce Solution 13 Technological requirement 13 Payment mode 14 Security Measures 14 Legislation 15 Evaluation of the Proposal 15 References 17 Introduction In our...
Pages 17 (4529 words)