Influence of Contemporary Technology on Cyber Crimes


TO: Instructor, designation


SUBJECT: Influence of contemporary technology on cyber crimes

Cyber crime is the use of technology to commit an offense. Since the making of the first computers, intellectual advancement has allowed human beings to prepare advanced equipment and to provide the technology based items at cheap costs. The appreciation of technological goods has reached new limits during the 21st century. A majority of what previously functioned manually has been advanced to exploit the wisdom of computer chip programming. Currently, our day to day functioning and performance is sponsored by technology to such extent that teenage students research on a mobile phone.

Statement of Problem

Ages after the development of computers, human beings have learned to exploit technology productively in computer integrated manufacturing, while others have leaned towards criminal activities. Various scholarly efforts have revealed that there is a relationship between the advancement of contemporary technology and cyber crime. However, the quantifiable aspects of such relationships have not been explored extensively. As such, the question of (how often does a common crime occur because of contemporary technology?) occurs.

Proposed Study

People always have devices means to commit profitable offences. Technology has allowed the advancement of common crime to new levels. With regards to the topic of cyber crime, offences such as identity theft and banking fraud have become more popular. People can access other person`s profiles from remote locations and to engage in offensive activities without getting caught. We cannot ignore the benefits of contemporary technology to address cyber crime but may exploit technology to keep law and order.


Cyber crime is to a great extent technologically enhanced common crime. Technology has allowed people to lead a much easier and productive life. Similarly, people take advantage of technology loopholes to acquire illegal wealth and restricted information. The question remains: is a contemporary technology more of a nuisance to the processes of ensuring law and order or is it an exploitable strength? With your approval, along with any suggestions, I will continue my research.

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