Soda Bottle Production Lab Report

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This lab report will be looking at finding the Ideal temperature and pressure for the production of soda bottles. This will involve determining the exact temperatures at which liquid soda will dissolve in to carbon IV oxide at its maximum. The experiment will determine the optimum pressure at which the liquid soda will be dissolved in to carbon IV oxide.
The Soda manufacturers always inject the cold liquid soda with pressurized carbon IV oxide, and then bottle it under high pressure. This is because of to the fact that carbon IV oxide gas will dissolve in cold liquid under high pressure than in warm liquid under low pressure (Nagai, et al. 39). The carbon IV oxide in the liquid soda forms carbonic acid, the acid alleviates the sweet taste in the drink. Each type of liquid soda drinks always contain different amounts of carbon IV oxide, and thus have varying amounts of pressure. On the average, a 12 ounce soda bottle sold in the US will tend to have pressure of approximately 120 kPa when bottled at 4 °C. This will make it possible for it to be stored at 250 kPa with 20 °C (Foller and Bombard 615).
In this experiment the optimum temperatures and pressure for dissolution of soda will be determined. The pressure for both the liquid soda and the carbon IV oxide gas shall be determined independently before dissolution of the two. The maximum and minimum temperature and pressure of the liquid soda and the carbon IV oxide gas that the bottled soda bottle can withstand shall too be determined in order to ensure safe storage and versatility during storage (Yang, Yong, et al. 189). The temperatures and pressure shall be determined basing on the solubility of the gas in to the liquid soda.
Material List
1. Liquid soda
2. Carbon IV oxide
3. Pressure generator
4. Heating means
5. Six 300ml empty soda bottles with bottle tops
6. Pressure generator with pressure gauge

Work cited
Foller, P. C., and R. T. Bombard. “Processes for the production of mixtures of caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide via the reduction of oxygen.” Journal of applied electrochemistry 25.7 (1995): 613-627.
Nagai, N., et al. “Existence of optimum space between electrodes on hydrogen production by water electrolysis.” International journal of hydrogen energy 28.1 (2003): 35-41.
Yang, Yong, et al. “Study on methanolytic depolymerization of PET with supercritical methanol for chemical recycling.” Polymer Degradation and Stability 75.1 (2002): 185-191.

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