Strengthening Information on Train Safety

Running Head: DUMB WAYS TO DIE 1

Dumb Ways to Die

Dumb ways to die
(A) Case
1. What is MT’s objective?
The main objective of MT was to ensure that public awareness was increased on the issue regarding public safety. Additionally, it looked forward to ensuring that the engagement and the awareness made were measurable. This was mainly achieved through evaluation of the responses. The advertisement focused on ensuring that in the car crossing and platforms, the number of accidents occurrence is reduced. Furthermore more, through the generation of a lot of marketing campaigns, free press and You Tube downloads around it, it aimed at ensuring that public relations is generated around the campaign.
(B) Case
2. Evaluate the DWTD ad.
In terms of generating public attraction, the advertisement was very successful. It managed to successfully ensure that individuals paid attention to what it explained even though the topic was quite boring. They managed to have the campaign video viewed 57 million times in the periods of November 2012 and July 2013. The media it utilizes is very effective since it utilizes features such as small monsters in form of toys. The song for the campaign in several countries in I Tunes downloads featured among the top ten. The question about whether it was successful or will it succeed in ensuring people are safe around trains is what needs to be addressed.
Quelch (2014) argues that it is evident that the DWTD campaign it managed to gain a high level of attention from the period it was launched in both social and traditional media. This included, managing to have youths sing around trains on the safety issue. Such an illustration clearly illustrates that the public had been made aware of the importance of avoiding to take risks around risky areas as it constitutes a dumb behavior. Also, the DWTD campaign being able steal the show Carnes Lions festival that took place in June 2013. This was a clear indication that the content of the campaign was engaging, fun and immensely sharable. According to Quelch (2014), due to the campaign, serious train accidents were able to be reduced by 21 percent. Hence it can be termed as being effective. The campaign to stand out from the traditional campaigns that seemed like a nuisance utilizing station loud speakers and urging individuals to ensure they do not stand at the platform edge.
But still what needs to be analyzed in order to determine if it will succeed is the long term effect it will have to young individuals that have accessed the video and the application. It is not possible to attribute much to the DWTD campaign since much is talked about the song, ad and video and not train safety. Hence, it is only time that can determine the actual effect regarding train safety on young people and if the campaign will be remembered by them.
(C) Case
3. How can DWTD’s impact be sustained?
In order to ensure that DWTD’s campaign is sustained, encouragement among young individuals needs to be maintained with the game. Additionally more side activities need to be conducted that will ensure the train safety message is reinforced. Hence it should be ensured that, the campaign is not all about how the song is contagious. The other thing of essence is ensuring that, in the MT the video is constantly played in order to avoid it being forgotten.

Quelch, J. (2014). Dumb ways to die:Advertising train safety. Place of publication not identified: Running Pr Miniature Edit.

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