Psychology Essays

183 posts

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology deals with a wide variety of issues concerning human psyche and its inner mechanisms using a set of specific methods. Among others, this discipline is exploring the issue of the effect of different visual stimuli on human attention. For example, the study of the relationship between facial configurations, facial emotion, and visual attention by Daniel Lundquist and Arne Ohman sought to determine how quickly humans react to different facial stimuli including threatening, neutral and friendly faces.The hypothesis was that humans would react more quickly to the threatening faces...
5 min

Dangerous Driving Habits

There are three ingredients for ensuring safety while on the road: safe cars, safe roads, and safe drivers. Nowadays, significant improvements have been made by car manufacturers in ensuring that the cars being driven on the road are safe. In fact, car manufacturers spend millions of dollars improving car designs just so they could be safe for the driver, his passengers and the people on the road.Our Customers Often Tell EssayLab support:I'm not in the mood to write my essay online. I don't have the timeEssay writer professionals suggest:Your Academic...
6 min

Family History of Place Rootedness

Home is where the heart is. A certain place where a person grew merely affects his thought, beliefs and actions as he matures and socialize with other people. You are what you are today base on how, where and what influences you to become the individual that you are currently is. If you are wondering how a home influences you, well it is because a home greatly influences your happiness.An expensive dream home may cost you too much and you will end up unhappy regardless of how expensive it is...
8 min
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