Education and science

36 posts

Maslow Theory

Abraham Maslow developed a theory termed as Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs. The development of this theory was based on the study of both behavior and psychoanalytic psychology. He said that human behavior is not only controlled by internal or external forces but also by psychology. He therefore came up with a theory termed as humanistic psychology. This theory was based on the fact that human behavior is controlled by both physiological and psychological needs that do not change and are similar origin based on their culture and...
3 min

Management Gurus​

Abstract:This paper discusses the view points of some writers regarding the management gurus industry. There is a growing trend in organizations towards relying heavily on gurus to identify and help resolve problems. However, the paper argues whether they should be relied upon or not as past trends show that they don't give substantial results despite their exorbitant fees. In today's world of cut throat competition it has become eminent for firms to employ the most efficient methods of utilizing resources-any loopholes and the company could go downhill. The trend to...
7 min

Magnetic Turtle

AbstractEarths magnetic field serves as ubiquitous source of directional and positional information for many marine animals. These animals use this information for their needs to survive like choosing correct migratory pathways, returning back home and to catch their prey to name a few. This has been confirmed by many researchers by behavioral experiments on many marine animals. Some examples are migration of Hatchling sea turtle in the North Atlantic Gyre, navigation of Spiny Lobsters and magnetic orientation behavior of Tritonia Diomedea. This paper reviews the magnetic navigation behavior of the...
13 min

Mangrove Ecology and Conservation

EcologyMangrove ecosystems are characterised by tropical trees and shrubs that grow along estuaries, marine shorelines, and sheltered coasts where fine sediments, often with high organic content, collect in areas protected from high-energy wave action.These species are important to prevent coastal erosions and surge storms. They also provide protection to coastal communities from typhoons.The different mangrove species have prop roots that form dense masses necessary in coastal land building and as foundations of unique ecosystems. Oysters utilize these roots, which prevent water flow, as their habitat. In areas where the roots...
9 min

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Learn to Remember, Transform Your Memory Skills

Present World Memory Champion title holder Dominic O'Brien's newest book is entitled Learn to Remember, Transform Your Memory Skills. O'Brien has won the World Memory Championship six times over. For this reason, it is safe to say that he is very much credible to speak about the topic memory improvement.Who does not want an extraordinary memory power? At one point or the other in a person's life, there has been a yearning to acquire a certain power to excel through the aid of a good memory. There are so many...
10 min

Effective Assessments Tools to Document Student Progress

Effective Assessments Tools to Document Student ProgressDocumenting student progress is a continuous activity over a specified period of time depending on the course objective. Continuous assessment is entirely different from an end of the term examination. Effective assessment is something that happens throughout the learning process. According to (“Assessment: A Window to Learning," n.d.) a single assessment indicates understanding at a particular moment, while a collection of student work and the teacher's perceptions provides a reflection of the fluid, dynamic nature of learning.Effective assessment tools should help students achieve their...
4 min
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